Program Objective

This program aims to equip students with theoretical knowledge and training appropriate to the chosen field of study. Through this program, students will be exposed to the latest knowledge related to theory and application in the chosen field of study. This program aims to train individuals to become experts in their chosen field of study so that they become practitioners with the knowledge and skills they have acquired.

Learning Fee Structure

Year 1 (RM) Year 2 (RM) Total (RM)
Semester 1 6,360.00 4,660.00 19,540.00
Semester 2 4,260.00 4,260.00
*Mengikut jumlah kredit pendaftaran kursus setiap semester
Program Information

  • Ijazah Bacelor / setara dengan minima PNGK 2.75; atau Ijazah Bacelor / setara dengan minima PNGK 2.500 - PNGK 2.79 + minima 3 tahun pengalaman kerja dalam bidang berkaitan; atau Ijazah Bacelor / setara PNGK dibawah 2.500 + minima 5 tahun pengalaman kerja dalam bidang berkaitan

  • Coursework: Pelajar akan menghadiri kelas, menerima tugasan dan melalui peperiksaan pertengahan & akhir secara atas talian (Online Distance Learning)
  • Perjumpaan secara bersemuka bersama pensyarah akan diadakan sebanyak tiga (3) kali sahaja pada setiap semester. Anda perlu menghadiri perjumpaan ini pada hari Sabtu atau Ahad di UPM Serdang.