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UPM Education & Training Sdn. Bhd. (850011 – U) was established on 16 March 2009. UPM Education & Training (formerly known as Pusat Pendidikan Luar which is one of the PTJs at UPM) operates UPM's academic programs in Distance Education and the UPM - IPTS Cooperation program and operates and manages training programs.
The External Education Center (PPL) was established as a result of the merger of the Institute of Distance Learning and Education (IDEAL) and the External Program Center (PPL) on January 1, 2004. The merger of these two centers is the desire of the University management who want to see this new organization be more established in under the new responsibility center which is the Center for Foreign Education. This is in line with UPM's eighth goal of making Universiti Putra Malaysia an excellent Center for Professional Development and Advanced Education. This merger has given PPL a new light to provide the best service through the Distance Education Program (PJJ) and the UPM - IPTS Cooperation Program.
IDEAL was established in 1995 and was inaugurated by YB Dato' Seri Mohd. Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak, Minister of Education Malaysia. The establishment of IDEAL is based on the recommendation of the Malaysian Ministry of Education that every Public Higher Education Institution offers and operates University study programs by Distance (Distance Education program - PJJ). Universiti Putra Malaysia has taken this opportunity by reorganizing the Further Education Unit (UPL) to establish IDEAL. IDEAL was started with the first intake of PJJ Program students for Bachelor of Computer Science and Master of Science (Human Resource Development) in the December 1995/96 Semester. The PJJ learning method is through independent learning with the guidance of tutors appointed at the PPL Learning Center.
The Center for External Programs was established in August 1997 on the basis of the democratization and liberalization of national education encouraged by the government and became a catalyst for the achievement of UPM's goal of bringing higher education to the doorstep. In line with that wish, UPM started collaboration with several Private Institutions of Higher Education (IPTS) which enabled the IPTS to carry out UPM's study programs under UPM's supervision, which is now called the Cooperation Programme.
Since 1997, cooperation with IPTS has increased according to the development of national education which emphasizes the increase of access within the country and the reduction of the number of Malaysian students pursuing higher education abroad.
Apart from Academic Programs, UPM Education & Training operates formal and informal training programs that suit the client's taste. UPM Education & Training is able to offer a variety of programs related to the field of Education, especially the Education Executive Certificate. In realizing the National Education Policy, UPM Education & Training offers the Education Executive Certificate program to provide opportunities for teaching staff to become skilled and professional educators. The training courses offered aim and are capable of completing and strengthening the human capital program of an organization.